"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned upward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
— Leonardo da Vinci. (1452-1519) Italian artist, inventor and painter
I read this somewhere in the wide INet world. How true that is.
It’s early 1980s. Was 5yrs old then … the first time I realized wat the big bird in the sky was. Until then in was just A for Airplane. The sound of the propellers… people walkin in with their trolleys, huge sunshade glasses, power shoes… I think how rich, successful & happy people are to fly in that mammoth bird. I vowed; I would one day be like those people who fascinated me… only ‘coz they were actually getting lifted off the solid earth and are in the free air.
Years flew by and with it my desire balloon kept getting bigger and comfortably swayin in the paths of the airplane… waitin for a day when I wud actually be boarding one. After my college days.. I moved on to Bangalore, India with hopes to fly high in my career as well. As fate wud ‘ve it … I was very lucky to travel every day through the famous Airport Road in Blore… in our high company bus. Those few minutes we take to traverse parallel with the runway…. Was juz soooooo amazing. Now here…. am NOT exaggerating a single bit.
The trees that lined the compound wall of the runway, I would say are the strongest and most loved in the entire area. Everyday, they provide seating to 100s of fascinated people (of all age groups) like me, to climb on to them and watch the magnificent creatures land & take off with such a beautiful grace.
Our bus driver was no exception to that. My friend literally makes sure she keeps her eyes straight ahead on the road to make sure our bus doesn’t collide with some other vehicle. ‘Coz on that stretch of the road… our bus driver, one of the members of my aviation lovers club keeps his eyes on the runway and the light in his eyes tells me that he wud rather fly the bird rather than our bus ;)
The first few months of our daily trips on the airport road, me & my friends used to get busy on the net first thing in the morning… to Google & check which airplane we saw on the run way that day.. which country it belonged to and the model of it. I know u guys wud be thinking… can people really get this crazy… yes we can. My friend I was telling about, who makes sure we reach office safe by being an extra pair of eyes to our bus driver…hates flying. But she is equally in awe for these beauties. That’s the magic it can impose on people. Luv it.. hate it… u can’t juz ignore it.
Then, many years after I was 5yrs old, I had my first chance to fly (Jet Airways). It was a very short trip.. hardly an hours trip… from Coimbatore, my home town to Chennai. After 10min inside my dream machine, I knew my feelings for her all these years were not an infatuation at all… nothing but true love. Every minute was mind blowing. My first aerial view of my hometown, the roads I’ve traveled numerous times, the places I’ve read in geography text books in school, rivers & mountains I’ve see in the state maps only in my atlas… smiled back at me. I realized wat nature and human brain can impose on you. I felt one with the universe once I saw the cloud pass by my window of the plane. May be GOD does exists.
During those few minutes, I was wondering wat it would be like to fly in the space rockets & the space ships. Ok.. I know it’s a far fetched dream. Lemme stop here… only the talks about my desires about air planes… but I push off another day waiting for the day when I cud fly again for long in the fabulous, magical machine.
There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas.
Author: Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1906-, American Author
The aeroplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth.
Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupery 1900-1944, French Aviator, Writer
— Leonardo da Vinci. (1452-1519) Italian artist, inventor and painter
I read this somewhere in the wide INet world. How true that is.
It’s early 1980s. Was 5yrs old then … the first time I realized wat the big bird in the sky was. Until then in was just A for Airplane. The sound of the propellers… people walkin in with their trolleys, huge sunshade glasses, power shoes… I think how rich, successful & happy people are to fly in that mammoth bird. I vowed; I would one day be like those people who fascinated me… only ‘coz they were actually getting lifted off the solid earth and are in the free air.
Years flew by and with it my desire balloon kept getting bigger and comfortably swayin in the paths of the airplane… waitin for a day when I wud actually be boarding one. After my college days.. I moved on to Bangalore, India with hopes to fly high in my career as well. As fate wud ‘ve it … I was very lucky to travel every day through the famous Airport Road in Blore… in our high company bus. Those few minutes we take to traverse parallel with the runway…. Was juz soooooo amazing. Now here…. am NOT exaggerating a single bit.
The trees that lined the compound wall of the runway, I would say are the strongest and most loved in the entire area. Everyday, they provide seating to 100s of fascinated people (of all age groups) like me, to climb on to them and watch the magnificent creatures land & take off with such a beautiful grace.
Our bus driver was no exception to that. My friend literally makes sure she keeps her eyes straight ahead on the road to make sure our bus doesn’t collide with some other vehicle. ‘Coz on that stretch of the road… our bus driver, one of the members of my aviation lovers club keeps his eyes on the runway and the light in his eyes tells me that he wud rather fly the bird rather than our bus ;)
The first few months of our daily trips on the airport road, me & my friends used to get busy on the net first thing in the morning… to Google & check which airplane we saw on the run way that day.. which country it belonged to and the model of it. I know u guys wud be thinking… can people really get this crazy… yes we can. My friend I was telling about, who makes sure we reach office safe by being an extra pair of eyes to our bus driver…hates flying. But she is equally in awe for these beauties. That’s the magic it can impose on people. Luv it.. hate it… u can’t juz ignore it.
Then, many years after I was 5yrs old, I had my first chance to fly (Jet Airways). It was a very short trip.. hardly an hours trip… from Coimbatore, my home town to Chennai. After 10min inside my dream machine, I knew my feelings for her all these years were not an infatuation at all… nothing but true love. Every minute was mind blowing. My first aerial view of my hometown, the roads I’ve traveled numerous times, the places I’ve read in geography text books in school, rivers & mountains I’ve see in the state maps only in my atlas… smiled back at me. I realized wat nature and human brain can impose on you. I felt one with the universe once I saw the cloud pass by my window of the plane. May be GOD does exists.
During those few minutes, I was wondering wat it would be like to fly in the space rockets & the space ships. Ok.. I know it’s a far fetched dream. Lemme stop here… only the talks about my desires about air planes… but I push off another day waiting for the day when I cud fly again for long in the fabulous, magical machine.
There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas.
Author: Anne Morrow Lindbergh 1906-, American Author
The aeroplane has unveiled for us the true face of the earth.
Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupery 1900-1944, French Aviator, Writer
Yeap dude.. I'l tel u wat... As soon as v c the plane, we get real happy.. we wanna fly like it may b.. No barriers, no boundaries.. Itl' b real fun if v ppl fly in da air.. Ur blog has traces of u wanting to break free and njoy life as it is.. Luks casual and realistic.. Soon u r gonna fly in ur life.. Where ever u go, u'l hv our best wishes always travelling with u..
ReplyDeleteI like the way you try to convey your dreams... When i first took off from coimbatore... it was a terrific experience.. Not only i was on air but i felt i am leaving something behind.. my home land ofcourse.. :)
ReplyDeleteI can realize how happy you would have been when you were flying.. coz it was ur dream.... Well one thing i admire about your blog is u have expressed the true yourself.. how u admire things and how you feel fascinated by things around you
Every dream need not necessarily come true but the ones that come true are the ones that are going to stay with you for long... Now they become unforgettable memories which you carry on through the rest of your life....