There are certain things in this world that I really have accepted to like even without realising
why. Just yesterday I was wondering why did I like those things just like that… and did find the answer… I like those… coz I like someone who liked those… Simple.. isn’t it?
Would like to list a few…
Anna (elder brother): Since I love, admire and respect you more than anyone, I would accept anything you even seem to give a thought to. But few things that I really like because you do Lemon Pickles, Che Guevara, Periyar, Eggs, Paratta, etc etc
Sasi (Friend from college days): Though we are not in touch much… I still cherish our friendship. You taught me what it is to really be a ‘friend’. Just to be friends… you sometimes turns out to be my foe. I simply adore Harry Potter and it is because you introduced me to him.
Sansu (Sanusha- from my previous job place): What are you to me de? Friend or a sister -as all used to ask us… no its not because both of us wear glasses :D. Your are the best de. Do you know what all silly things I like coz I like you… GJ (for Gulab Jaamoon – Thats how u & limi call it), books, Calvin & Hobbes, PJs, hunting quotes for GTalk, being in love, trying to dress presentable, Raajma curry, Fish fry (even more after I knew u loved them), etc etc … the list can go on.
Jeshu - Rajesh – :): What more have I got to learn to like from you dear? I tried Baasandhi for first time since that is your favorite sweet, I started reading Charu ‘coz u like his work, visited Puttaparthi since you spoke of Sai always, started watching world movies and classics after you showed me to appreciate them, and few more da. I can’t recall them now :)
Anand (cousin): You are more a friend than a cousin ananda… Im trying to turn a vegetarian now… but still I started liking dried fish curry coz of u..
Motte (Rajan): You stayed with me lending a shoulder every time i cried…. never once were you the reason for my tears. Thanks da. I like Grilled Chicken and prawn fried rice more since the past 5 yrs… coz of you :). Ok… you started liking grilled chicken coz of me… its a tie-up.. forget it. Then again.. it just because of you that I open my eyes to appreciate art… modern or traditional. More like this…
Actually speaking… I have or rather had a BIG list of people who I adore and things that I like because of them. But am not able to put those into words and put it here. Its OK though. I know there are few things that all of us like just because the person we love likes them. Isn’t it?
Love all… Like all….